The RLSS (NPLQ) is the most awarded lifeguard qualification that complies with the industry guidance contained with- in the HSE publication 'Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools' Generally, the NPLQ is a recruitment requirement for a number of jobs from Pool Lifeguard to Centre Manager. On successful completion of the course you will be fully qualified to work as a Pool Lifeguard.

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Welcome to Edenderry Swimming Pool our team of highly qualified and experienced swimming and fitness instructors are here to help you improve your current fitness levels. Whether you are a competitive athlete or you Just want to enjoy an active healthy lifestyle and body balance and have more energy for work or your family then Edenderry Swimming Pool and Sports Recovery Centre has something for you.


The RLSS (NPLQ) is the most awarded lifeguard qualification that complies with the industry guidance contained with- in the HSE publication ‘Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools’ Generally, the NPLQ is a recruitment requirement for a number of jobs from Pool Lifeguard to Centre Manager. On successful completion of the course you will be fully qualified to work as a Pool Lifeguard.

This is not just a qualification it can be a stepping stone into a career within the leisure industry.

A professional Qualification for NPLQ operates to ensure that all aspects of lifesavers (RLSS) Lifeguard training is undertaken to the highest standards and approved protocols are maintained.

Training for the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification can only take place at pools or leisure centres which are Approved Training Centres. This means that they will ensure minimum standards of training and equipment for courses. Pool Lifeguarding continues to be exciting and its progressive development is greatly recognised and praised by the Industry. It has now become the ‘de-facto’ qualification of the Leisure Industry both at home and internationally. The pool lifeguard handbook forms the cornerstone of the programme. It incorporates the protocols in the various skills, disciplines and legal developments and meets the criteria set out in ” Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools”. The new Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, enacted by Dail Eireann in 2005 requires a swimming pool operator to carry out a Risk Assessment in order to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of those people who use the pool. In effect this means, amongst other measures, ensuring that lifeguards are sufficient in number, adequately trained, and effectively organised.

Every candidate, prior to commencement of training for the NPLQ must:

– Be 16 years of age;

– Be able to meet the following basic fitness criteria:-

– Jump / dive into deep water

– Swim 50 metres in less than 60 seconds

– Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back in deep water.

– Tread water for 30 seconds – Surface dive to the floor of the pool

– Climb out unaided without ladder / steps and where the pool design permits

The Course runs over two or threes weekends at Edenderry Swimming Pool. To register please call into the pool to collect a form or email and we will send you a form.

Payment is required in advance of the course starting, and can be paid over the coming weeks. This is a great opportunity for students and for anyone interested in a change of career.

Those that show a real desire could have an opportunity to secure full time, part time or seasonal work with Edenderry Swimming Pool.

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On Friday 27th November, the Government announced that from Tuesday 1st December, Ireland will commence the easing of restrictions as we enter level 3 of


COVID19 Regulations & Closure of Business

The regulations do not include leisure centres, gyms, pools or exercise studios, where social distancing should continue to be maintained.

Do you Want to Be A Lifeguard

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