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On Friday 27th November, the Government announced that from Tuesday 1st December, Ireland will commence the easing of restrictions as we enter level 3 of Ireland’s ‘Plan for Living with COVID-19’. Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools will be allowed to reopen under level 3 with the following conditions:

Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools

Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools may remain open for individual use only, and with protective measures in place. No exercise or dance classes”


Outdoors: Non contact training only in pods of up to 15 (for example: golf, tennis, horse riding, hunting, Gaelic games, soccer, outdoor basketball).

Indoors: Individual training only. No exercise or dance classes (for example: no ballet, gymnastics, basketball, racketball, squash, zumba, drama).

There is an exemption for professional and elite sports and approved inter-county Gaelic games.

For full details please visit

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November 27th COVID19 Updates

On Friday 27th November, the Government announced that from Tuesday 1st December, Ireland will commence the easing of restrictions as we enter level 3 of


COVID19 Regulations & Closure of Business

The regulations do not include leisure centres, gyms, pools or exercise studios, where social distancing should continue to be maintained.

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