Learn to Swim

Swimming Essentials

Benefits of learning to Swim

Children swim lessons provide your child with many unique benefits. Among them are three main benefits that can help your child throughout the rest of your life. Consider each of these three benefits in detail and see what you can do for your child by signing them up for children swim lessons.

The first thing a child learns is confidence since this is a big part of learning how to swim. As your child learns through children swim lessons and starts to improve their confidence in the water will increase. As their level of confidence goes up they will want to try more. In everyday life as well the child’s confidence in swimming will encourage them to be more willing to try new things. This confidence can greatly help a child throughout the rest of their life in many aspects such as their schooling and eventually their career.

Second, children swim lessons work to help develop a child’s social skills. Swim lessons help to build upon a child’s social skills. During these lessons the child has the ability to interact with both the instructor and other children their age. This teaches a child to take turns, share and respect others; all qualities that can help them improve throughout their life. It also increases their ability to talk with others and form strong friendships. The act of learning during children swim lessons will help to teach them the importance of listening and paying attention as well as having patience and being polite.

Lastly, children swim lessons can help increase your child’s physical activity levels. With swim lessons your child will spend less time in front of the television, computer or video game. For a little bit of time each week you can get your child out and get them some exercise. Today there is an obesity problem among children so it is important to get your child as much exercise as possible in order to make sure they stay healthy.

Level 1

Level One is designed to improve water confidence for the child to get them ready for mainstream swimming lessons. This class is aimed at teaching the child safe entry & exit from the pool. It develops essential water awareness, confidence & how to follow instruction in a fun pool environment.

Level 2

In this level the instructor  helps the child to develop the skills in floating, pushing & gliding, both on the front and back. We also aim to teach the child to be confident performing rotation from front to back and opposite in order to regain an upright position in the water.

Level 3

Continuing to develop front and back crawl with kicking and arm action over a distance of 5 metres. Once this is achieved, correct breathing technique is introduced and the distance extended to 10 metres. The skills of breaststroke and treading water in the deep and also introduced in this level.

Level 4

Level 4 will will be developing front crawl, back crawl & breaststroke, including correct breathing technique over longer distances. The butterfly stroke, forward tumbles, safe dives and feet first sculling are all introduced during this level.

Improvers Swimming Lessons at Edenderry Swimming Pool
Improvers Swimming Lessons at Edenderry Swimming Pool


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Improvers will develop all strokes over 50m – 100m using correct breathing technique. The skills of safe dives & tumble turns will be developed and timed swims will also be introduced during this level.

Tailor-Made Swim Classes

One to One Lessons

These lessons are on a one to one basis with a qualified instructor. These are ideal if group classes are not suitable for your child or even as an add-on to group classes. If you want your child to improve water confidence, a particular stroke or skill then these this individual sessions could be just the fit!

One to One Lessons
One to one Lessons

Our Tip for Young Swimmers

The ability to submerge the face is arguably one of the most important stages when learning to swim, particularly when overcoming a fear of water. Some beginners arrive with this ability built-in and only need to be taught a breathing technique. For others, it will be one of the most terrifying tasks they face.

Stage 1: Getting the face wet

Remember, getting the face wet and being splashed in the face are two completely different concepts, each having different effects, and not always positive ones. There are a few practices to work through, such as blowing bubbles, cupping water and wetting the face and throwing and catching a ball.

Stage 2: Partially submerging the face

For the next stage of mastering going underwater, you need to learn how to hold your breath by “breathing in and holding it all in“. Some will be able to do this easily, others will learn by trial and error. An object can then be placed just under the water surface, shallow enough to see and reach for it, but deep enough for the mouth to be submerged in order to reach it. This practice can then be gradually progressed as confidence grows.

Stage 3: Total Submersion and Swimming Underwater

Stage 2 naturally leads quickly onto stage 3 where the object is placed below the water surface where you are encouraged to retrieve it by completely submerging your head underwater. By this stage, breath-holding should be more accomplished and you should begin to relax more as you submerge. Eventually swimming underwater becomes a natural progression.


5 Lessons Prebook

Pay As You Go

Group of 8



One to One



Improvers / Intensive




Rookie Lifeguard




Adult Lessons (5 Lessons)



Adult One to One Lessons (5 Lessons)




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